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Healthcare & Homelessness Panel at Portland City Club
Streamed live on Jan 9, 2015

Presented on January 9, 2015, Healthcare & Homelessness

Panelists: Crista Gardner, Chair of the Research Committee on Health Care and Homelessness; David Labby, Medical Director at Health Share Oregon; Leo Rhodes, Vice Chair of the Committee on Health Care and Homelessness, and board member of Street Roots; Rachel Solotaroff, Medical Director at Central City Concern.

How can the maximum health benefit for the homeless population of Multnomah County be achieved from health care reform and expansion of the Oregon Health Plan? Homelessness remains a complex public health challenge. For too many individuals, the relentless struggle for safety and stability overshadows health needs. Common illnesses are allowed to progress, and minor injuries fester until they become emergencies. Challenges in caring for those experiencing homelessness reveal deep fault lines in our current health care system. This forum will discuss City Club's newly released report on health care and homelessness, and the issues we are facing as a community.

EarthSayers Crista Gardner; Leo Rhodes; Rachel Solotaroff
Date unknown Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Portland Sustainability Leaders More Details
GrowthBusters Hooked on Growth by Dave Gardner
Static Preview

Trailer: Thought leaders from all walks of life address the myth that we can keep on growing for ever. The film premieres Nov. 2. You can order it today and organize screeningsbeginning in November. Visit for information.

EarthSayer Dave Gardner
Date unknown Format Trailer
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details

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