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Intro to Haumea Ecoversity, Ecoliteracy From Overwhelm to Empowerment
Welcome to Haumea Ecoversity @HaumeaEcoversity I’m Cathy Fitzgerald, an ecological artist and educator. In this space, we explore ecoliteracy—a vital approach to understanding how we can live well on Earth, not just for ourselves, but for all life. This presentation is your first step toward ecoliteracy. It shares how ecological principles and ideas can help you move from overwhelm about today’s environmental and social challenges to confidently communicating your work for a better world. Ecological ideas can empower you to identify your unique contribution to what truly matters, allowing your creativity and work to shine and inspire others.
Date 12/31/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Steps to Ecoliteracy: From Overwhelm to Empowerment
Join Cathy Fitzgerald, ecological artist and educator to move from overwhelm by worsening environmental degradation and social injustice by embracing ecological ideas and values.
Date 12/29/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
CCL Training: 2021 Updates From Around The World
Join Director of Programs, Citizens’ Climate International, Cathy Orlando for a training that highlights what is going on around the world in 2021 with ​CCL’s​ network, what other countries are doing in terms of carbon pricing and citizen engagement, and how CCL is engaging in international civil society meetings. Skip ahead to the following section(s): (0:00) Intro & Overview (2:58) About Citizens’ Climate International (10:58) International Progress on Carbon Pricing (25:30) Stories From Around the World Presentation Slides: http://cclusa.org/around-the-world CCL Community Training Page: https://community.citizensclimate.org/resources/item/19/157
Date 5/7/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Past climate changes in Yellowstone shed light on our future | Cathy Whitlock | TEDxBigSky
Because Yellowstone is the last intact ecosystem in the temperate latitudes of the Planet, its importance goes beyond its boundaries. Yellowstone’s ecosystem, which has been operating for thousands of years, is now undergoing rapid changes as a result of global warming. Paleoecologist Cathy Whitlock describes her research in wild places like Yellowstone, and her quest to understand the consequences of future climate change in light of her understanding of the past. Dr. Cathy Whitlock is a Regents Professor Emerita in Earth Sciences at Montana State University and nationally and internationally recognized for her research and leadership activities in the field of climate and environmental change. Her studies of Yellowstone’s environmental history began in the 1980s when she started to collect sediment cores from lakes in search of information about past vegetation and climate change. This research continues to the present day in Yellowstone and in comparable places around the world. She served as lead author of the 2017 Montana Climate Assessment, which has inspired climate-change discussions across the state and led to the recent Montana Climate Solutions Plan, a consensus document for Montana’s future. Cathy has received numerous awards and honors from professional societies and organizations, and in 2018, she became the first person from a Montana university to be elected to the National Academy of Sciences. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Date 3/1/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
CCL Training: Understanding Updates to Canada's Carbon Fee & Dividend Policy
Join Clean Prosperity's Michael Bernstein (Executive Director) and CCL's International Outreach Manager Cathy Orlando and for a training that will update attendees on helping understand the emerging updates to Canada's carbon fee & dividend policy. Skip ahead to the following section(s): (5:21) Summary of federal and provincial carbon pricing policies (15:18) Federal carbon tax and rebates (21:57) Large industrial emitters scheme (23:51) Carbon price increases under new federal climate plan (28:37) Projections of emissions reductions under new price ramp (31:08) Border carbon adjustments Q&A Discussion (https://vimeo.com/514675775) Clean Prosperity: https://cleanprosperity.ca/ Presentation Slides: https://cclusa.org/canada-cfd-updates CCL Community Training Page: https://community.citizensclimate.org/resources/item/19/382
Date 2/22/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Understanding Updates to Canada's Carbon Fee & Dividend Policy
Join https://cleanprosperity.ca/ Clean Prosperity's Michael Bernstein (Executive Director) and CCL's International Outreach Manager Cathy Orlando and for a training that will update attendees on helping understand the emerging updates to Canada's carbon fee & dividend policy. Presentation Slides: https://cclusa.org/canada-cfd-updates
Date 2/19/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Tony Campolo: A Christian's Call to Save Creation - Citizens' Climate Radio Episode 56 Promo
Episode drops Jan 22 on Podbean here: https://ccl.podbean.com/e/ccr-56-tony-campolo-a-cristians-call-to-save-creation/ Last month we featured three Conservative Christians who told us how their faith compels them to promote creation care and climate change solutions. This month we feature one of America’s most widely known Progressive Evangelical Christian thought leaders. Rev. Tony Campolo is professor emeritus of sociology at Eastern University, and he led the Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education for more than 40 years.  Rev. Campolo has written over 50 books on topics that have educated and challenged his Evangelical Christian audience. He has been ahead of his time on a variety of social issues. In 1992 he published the book, How to Rescue the Earth Without Worshiping Nature, A Christian Call to Save Creation. In the book, he seeks to help believers see they have a role to play in caring for creation.  Rev. Campolo, who is 85 and has never retired, suffered a stroke in 2020. He is at home recovering with the help of his wife Peggy. Before the Pandemic and his stroke, Citizens Climate Radio’s host, Peterson Toscano, was fortunate enough to sit down with Tony and ask him about his 1992 book.  Rev. Campolo reveals his frustration with fellow ministers and accuses them of not listening to God’s voice in regard to the mandate to care for creation.  The Art House Returning to the Art House is Jennie Carlisle, the curator and director of the Smith Gallery at Appalachian State University along with Laura England, a senior lecturer. They are two of three co-facilitators of ASU’s Climate Stories Collaborative. Both Jennie and Laura appeared in Episode 49 and told us about how in spring 2020 they quickly adapted to the Covid Global Pandemic by putting their annual Student Climate Stories Showcase onto Instagram.   Some climate leaders see art straightforward communication tool. But art overloaded with messages about issues and politics can turn out clunky and preachy. How does an artists stay in a creative space? When producing climate arts, what is more important the process or the product?  You can hear standalone version of The Art House at Artists and Climate Change.  Good News Report This episode we begin a new feature, The Good News Report. Listeners share their climate successes with us. Good news this month comes from Cathy Orlando in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. She is the International Outreach Manager for Citizens Climate Lobby and also the Canadian Director. Slow, steady, and relentless climate advocacy has paid off!  If you have good news to share, contact Peterson Toscano: radio@CitizensClimate.org  Dig Deeper                                                                       Ron Sider, Canadian-born American theologian and social activist Tony Campolo’s Christmas 2020 Homily Making a Planet Worth Saving: Bill McKibben interviews Reverend Lennox Yearwood, Jr. (New Yorker) Amitov Ghosh: Where is the Fiction about Climate Change? (The Guardian) We always welcome your thoughts, questions, suggestions, and recommendations for the show. Leave a voice mail at 518.595.9414. (+1 if calling from outside the USA.) You can email your answers to radio@citizensclimate.org   You can hear Citizens’ Climate Radio on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher Radio, SoundCloud, Podbean, Northern Spirit Radio, Google Play, PlayerFM, and TuneIn Radio. Also, feel free to connect with other listeners, suggest program ideas, and respond to programs in the Citizens’ Climate Radio Facebook group or on Twitter at @CitizensCRadio.
Date 12/31/2020 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
#CCL2020 Dec. Conference - Upgrading Global Climate Action in 2021
The stage is being set for a global upgrade of climate action in 2021. Geopolitics and trade, food and finance will be redefined, for the better, by a new age of climate cooperation. Hear how Citizens’ Climate International is helping. Isatis Cintron, Latin America Regional Co-Coordinator, CCL James Collis, Europe Regional Coordinator, CCL Cathy Orlando, International Outreach Manager, CCL Sara Wanous, International Ops Manager and State Policy Specialist, CCL Joe Robertson Global Strategy Director, CCL David Michael Terungwa, Africa Regional Coordinator, CCL Register for the June 16th Session Here: https://Bit.ly/379Hrlz https://geoversiv.net/category/citizens-climate-lobby/
Date 12/8/2020 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
#CCL2020 June Conference Sunday Seminar: Canada International Climate Policy Workshop
Wondering what climate policies other countries are implementing and what that means for the global society? Join CCL International Outreach Manager Cathy Orlando and CCL International Outreach Intern Jess Wilber to learn what Canada is doing, then gear up for a mini climate policy negotiation with the United States and the UN. Slide Deck & More #CCL2020 Presentations: https://cclusa.org/presentations Join CCL: https://cclusa.org/join
Date 6/16/2020 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Mentoring for ecoliteracy: Interview with Carole Nelson with ecoliteracy mentor Cathy Fitzgerald

Ecoliteracy educator Cathy Fitzgerald talks with Irish-based jazz composer and award-winning musician Carole Nelson. From Oct 2018, Cathy regularly advised Carole about ecological knowledge for her recently acclaimed new album 'Arboreal' (Irish Times, February 2020) just as Cathy first began thinking about how to share her ecoliteracy knowledge to other creatives for these urgent times of ecological breakdown.

Cathy gained her PhD through creative practice and for many years has practised and thought about the challenges and rewards ecological insights bring to creative practice. Cathy was the inaugural ArtLinks Director and had previously developed a mentoring programme for creative professional development across the south-east of Ireland.

Cathy now provides individual mentoring, workshops and an innovative online course on essential ecoliteracy for creatives, art educators and others who work in the creative sector at www.haumea.ie

Carole's new album Arboreal will be on Spotify after the 28 Feb 2020 and is also available from CD Baby.

EarthSayer Cathy Fitzgerald
Date 2/22/2020 Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Sustainability in Ireland More Details

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