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Making Forests of Life for the Ones You Love "The Green Tide Embankment"

Outlines forest expert Dr. Akira Miyawaki's disaster prevention plan to create authentic, self-sustaining tide embankment forests that will survive even stronger tsunamis and protect lives. Through interviews with Dr. Miyawaki and simple animations, the video demonstrates the problems with current man-made forests and shows how truly native trees are the best protection. The video also shows how many people have been moved to action through clips of dozens of volunteers planting seedlings, including the Venerable Hioki from Rinnoji Temple, who shares how he feels the principles of natural vegetation are in line with Buddhist teachings.

Hioki Doryu, the 44th Abbot of the Rinnoji Soto Zen Temple, is the Association Chairman. Deeply moved by Dr. Miyawaki's proposal to build protective forests from trees native to the area, he and local residents have planted over 33,000 trees from over 50 species around Rinnoji Temple, based on the principles of potential natural vegetation. Through Planting Tree Man shows, newspaper columns, and other media outlets, the Venerable Hioki is committed to teaching everyone, from children to adults, all across the world, about the importance of forests.

EarthSayers Hioki Doryu; Dr. Akira Miyawaki
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Forests More Details
Miyawaki Method of Plantation -Afforestation by Akira Miyawaki
What is the Miyawaki Method of Afforestation
• The ‘Miyawaki’  method of forestation was pioneered by a Japanese botanist named ‘Akira Miyawaki’
• We can use this method to grow an urban forest within a short span of 20-30 years. Note that a conventional forest takes 200 to 300 years to grow naturally. 
•  In this method, various native species of plants are planted close to each other so that the plants receive sunlight only from the top and grow upwards instead of sideways. 
• As a result, the plantation becomes 30 times denser, grows 10 times faster and becomes maintenance-free after a span of 3 years. 
• Use this step-wise guide to create an urban forest with the ‘Miyawaki’ method. 
• The selected site should have a minimum size of 4 by 3 metres and the plants should receive sunlight for at least 8 hours each day. 
Step 1- Soil Preparation
Step 2- Purchase Native Species of Plants
Step 3- Design the Forest
Step 4- Method of Plantation
Step 5 - Tie the Plants to a stick
Step 6 - Water and Monitor the Plantation


EarthSayer Akira Miyawaki
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Forests More Details

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