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Staring contest by Owl

Video filmed by National Geographic Explorer Joel Sartore for the National Geographic #PhotoArk Photo Ark Page: http://natgeo.org/photoark

Date 1/4/2023 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Africa: Path to Net Zero (Opportunities for the Business Community) - B Corp Global Climate Summit
With the rise of extreme weather events such as drought, floods, storms and sea level rise, understanding climate risks is critical for entrepreneurs to incorporate into their business practice. Every area of industry is and will continue to be impacted by climate change. In the new climate reality, businesses that can innovate and take advantage of the low-carbon transition will be the ones that secure a sustainable future. Facilitated by Sustainable Business Consulting, join us at the B Corp Climate Summit to: - Understand how climate change affects businesses; - Identify new opportunities and needs and develop innovative business models for action in different sectors dealing with climate change; - Learn how to develop a business strategy that addresses climate risks; Understand the role of hubs in promoting climate entrepreneurship; - Hear from some businesses in the B Corp Movement on adaptation options that can help businesses become climate resilient; and - Business commitments to Net Zero. Speakers: Gladys Kivati • Olivia Muiru • Joel Onyango • Hassan Sachedina
Date 7/6/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Date 8/14/2017 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
The Road Through Paris: Business Leadership and Collaboration on Climate
A panel discussion at the BSR Conference 2015 on the role that business can play in shaping a low-carbon future. The panelists are Edward Cameron, Managing Director, Partnership Development and Research, BSR; Nigel Topping, CEO, We Mean Business; Hannah Jones, Chief Sustainability Officer and Vice President, Innovation Accelerator, NIKE, Inc.; and moderator Joel Makower, Chairman and Executive Editor, GreenBiz Group Inc.
Date 11/12/2015 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Building Resilience in the Face of Climate Risks (Panel)

The American economy will face significant and widespread disruptions from climate change. Our health, safety and prosperity are threatened unless policymakers and businesses take immediate action to respond to and reduce climate risk. This panel will highlight innovative public-private solutions and discuss how businesses, governments and communities can work together to become more resilient.

- Joel Beauvais, Associate Administrator for the Office of Policy, U.S. EPA
- Pam O’Connor, Councilmember, City of Santa Monica, CA
- Harriet Tregoning, Director of the Office of Economic Resilience, U.S. Office of Housing and Urban Development
- Kate Dineen, Director, NY Rising Community Reconstruction Program, New York Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery

EarthSayers Joel Beauvais; Kate Dineen; Harriet Tregoning
Date unknown Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Resiliency and Communities More Details
Beyond Carbon and Water by Nigel Topping

Keynote Conversation with CDP's Nigel Topping: Beyond Carbon and Water with Joel Makower of GreenBiz at their GreenBiz Forum, 2014.  The role of carbon and water as risk for investment purposes given climate change and how it is impacting the investment community.

CDP is an international, not-for-profit organization providing the only global system for companies and cities to measure, disclose, manage and share vital environmental information.

Published on Mar 20, 2014



EarthSayer Nigel Topping
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details
Innovation and Sustainability by Joel Makower of GreenBiz

Joel Makower provided the keynote address that evening and gave insight and inspiration about how companies — and their customers and stakeholders — are shifting their view of how sustainability fits in the business agenda. Sustainable business has come a long way, from "doing well by doing good" and "doing the right thing" to addressing risk, increasing resilience in a dynamic world, and serving as a platform for innovation. At the same time, a conJoel Makowervergence of technologies is enabling companies and industries to accelerate efficiencies while creating new products and services. Published on Sep 4, 2013

On Thursday, June 6, 2013, Partners in Project Green held its Annual General Meeting launching the successes made by businesses in the Pearson Eco-Business Zone for 2012 and the new direction of Partners in Project Green since the completion of the Strategy Update.
Click on image to order his latest book from Amazon.com or visit your local bookstore. Thank you.


EarthSayer Joel Makower
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Innovation and Sustainability More Details

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