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John Mohawk — Survive and Thrive
In an expansive tour of human civilization leading to today's climate crisis, the late Native American scholar John Mohawk explored the interrelationship of climate change and human evolution. For most of our history as hunter-gatherers and farmers, we retained an intimate knowledge of the natural world that supported us, especially plants. That knowledge, he observed, is being lost at radical rates today. Mohawk’s insights about the "Native American pragmatism" that successfully balanced the practical with the spiritual for thousands of years are critical to re-establishing our intimacy and kinship with the plant world and key to surviving dramatic climatic changes. Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6kOA-KtPxw
Date 9/12/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Community Wealth Building: Democratizing the Economy
In this special episode of the Bioneers, guest host Laura Flanders explores “Community Wealth Building,” a model that democratizes the economy, creates more cooperative businesses, better care for communities, and builds wealth for the many, not just the few. This episode features American political economist, historian, and author Gar Alperovitz of the Democracy Collaborative, along with India Pierce Lee about her work with the Collaborative in Cleveland, Ohio; and John McMicken, Executive Director of Cleveland’s Evergreen Cooperative Corporation. This episode is part 1 of a 4-part series exploring how communities are working to transform their local economies by harnessing their assets, anchoring capital and resources locally to directly invest in that place and its people – from land to money and finance. Explore the full series here. (https://bioneers.org/CWBSeries) Guest Host Laura Flanders is the host and executive producer of Laura Flanders & Friends (https://lauraflanders.org/) , which airs on PBS stations nationwide. She is an Izzy-Award winning independent journalist, a New York Times bestselling author and the recipient of the Pat Mitchell Lifetime Achievement Award from the Women’s Media Center. Credits This series is co-produced by Bioneers and Laura Flanders & Friends Laura Flanders & Friends Producers: Laura Flanders and Abigail Handel Production Assistance: Jeannie Hopper and David Neumann Bioneers Executive Producer: Kenny Ausubel Senior Producer: Stephanie Welch Producer: Teo Grossman Host and Consulting Producer: Neil Harvey Program Engineer and Music Supervisor: Emily Harris Resources Democracy Collaborative (https://democracycollaborative.org/) Evergreen Cooperatives (https://www.evgoh.com/) How to Make a Democratic Economy (https://lauraflanders.simplecast.com/episodes/how-to-make-a-democratic-economy-democracy-collaborative) | Laura Flanders & Friends Action Guide for Advancing Community Wealth Building in the United States (https://democracycollaborative.org/publications/community-wealth-building-action-guide) | Democracy Collaborative Gar Alperovitz – Replacing Corporate Capitalism: Why We Need a Next System (https://bioneers.org/gar-alperovitz-replacing-corporate-capitalism-why-we-need-a-next-system/) | Bioneers 2018 Keynote Our Economic Future: Achieving a More Equitable Society by Radically Rethinking Our Guiding Economic Ideas (https://bioneers.org/bioneers-reader-our-economic-future/) | Bioneers Reader
Date 8/29/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Creating a World Where Everyone Belongs: From a Change of Heart to System Change
In this moment of radical transformation, shifting the societal pronoun from “me, me, me” to “we” may be the single most transformational pivot we can make in order for anything else to work. Our destiny is ultimately collective. How can we overcome corrosive divisions and separations that are tearing us apart and create a world where everyone belongs? In this program, we dip into a deep conversation on this topic between Angela Glover Blackwell and john a. powell, two long-time friends and leaders in a quest toward building a multicultural democracy. Featuring Angela Glover Blackwell is Founder-in-Residence at PolicyLink (https://www.policylink.org/) , the organization she started in 1999 to advance racial and economic equity. One of the nation’s most prominent, award-winning social justice advocates, she serves on numerous boards and advisory councils, including the inaugural Community Advisory Council of the Federal Reserve and California’s Task Force on Business and Jobs Recovery. john a. powell is the Director of the Othering and Belonging Institute (https://belonging.berkeley.edu/)  and Professor of Law, African American, and Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley. A former National Legal Director of the ACLU, he co-founded the Poverty & Race Research Action Council (https://prrac.org/)  and serves on the boards of several national and international organizations. His latest book is: Racing to Justice: Transforming our Concepts of Self and Other to Build an Inclusive Society (https://iupress.org/9780253017710/racing-to-justice/) . Resources From Othering to Belonging | Bioneers 2022 Panel Discussion with Angela Glover Blackwell and john a. powell (https://bioneers.org/from-othering-to-belonging-zstf2206/) Angela Glover Blackwell – Transformative Solidarity for a Thriving Multiracial Democracy | Bioneers 2022 Keynote Address (https://bioneers.org/angela-glover-blackwell-transformative-solidarity-thriving-multiracial-democracy-zstf2205/) john a. powell – Healing Across Divides: Building Bridges to Challenge Systemic Injustice | Bioneers 2020 Keynote Address (https://bioneers.org/john-a-powell-creating-conditions-belonging-breathing-toxic-environment-zstf2101/) Credits • Executive Producer: Kenny Ausubel • Written by: Kenny Ausubel • Senior Producer and Station Relations: Stephanie Welch • Program Engineer and Music Supervisor: Emily Harris • Host and Consulting Producer: Neil Harvey • Producer: Teo Grossman • Production Assistance: Anna Rubanova and Monica Lopez This is an episode of the Bioneers: Revolution from the Heart of Nature series. Visit the radio and podcast homepage (https://bioneers.org/bioneers-radio/)  to learn more.
Date 8/28/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Colorado Welcomes Five New Wolves
GOOD NEWS🎉: On Dec. 18, 2023, Colorado Parks and Wildlife experts released five gray wolves — three males and two females — onto public land in Grand County in a historic effort to reestablish a healthy population in the state. Yesterday's release fulfills the wish of Colorado voters who, in 2020, voted in favor of reintroducing wolves in the state. This year Colorado Parks and Wildlife finalized a wolf restoration and management plan. Under the plan, the state agency will release up to 10 more wolves by mid-March 2024 and 30 to 50 wolves over the next three to five years. These first five wolves were captured from Oregon, evaluated by veterinarians and biologists, collared with GPS satellite collar for tracking and relocated to Colorado. 📹 by Colorado Parks & Wildlife ------------ About the Center: The Center for Biological Diversity is a 501c3 nonprofit headquartered in Tucson, Arizona. At the Center, we believe that the welfare of human beings is deeply linked to nature — to the existence in our world of a vast diversity of wild animals and plants. Because diversity has intrinsic value, and because its loss impoverishes society, we work to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction. We do so through science, law and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters and climate that species need to survive. We want those who come after us to inherit a world where the wild is still alive. Where to find us: WEBSITE: https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/ TWITTER: @centerforbiodiv FACEBOOK: @centerforbiodiv INSTAGRAM: @centerforbiodiv TIKTOK: @centerforbiodiv TAKE ACTION: https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/a... For questions or media inquiries, email us at: center@biologicaldiversity.org.
Date 12/20/2023 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
NMLAWS: Defending Land, Air, Water, and the Sacred
NM LAWS (New Mexico Land, Air, Water, and the Sacred) is a group of Indigenous, frontline and youth organizations and community members taking bold and unprecedented legal action to demand that the state of New Mexico live up to its constitutional duty to control pollution, to protect the fundamental rights of New Mexicans, and guarantee equal protection under the law. This trailer was filmed and edited by John Acosta (Earth Care) with production support from Silas Grant (Center for Biological Diversity). ------------ About the Center: The Center for Biological Diversity is a 501c3 nonprofit headquartered in Tucson, Arizona. At the Center, we believe that the welfare of human beings is deeply linked to nature — to the existence in our world of a vast diversity of wild animals and plants. Because diversity has intrinsic value, and because its loss impoverishes society, we work to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction. We do so through science, law and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters and climate that species need to survive. We want those who come after us to inherit a world where the wild is still alive. Where to find us: WEBSITE: https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/centerforbiodiv FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/centerforbiodiv INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/centerforbiodiv TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@centerforbiodiv/ TAKE ACTION: https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/action/ For questions or media inquiries, email us at center@biologicaldiversity.org.
Date 12/7/2023 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
ITU INTERVIEWS @ WRC-23: John Omo, Secretary General, African Telecommunications Union (ATU)
Interview with John Omo, Secretary General, African Telecommunications Union (ATU), at the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23), Dubai, UAE, 20 November to 15 December 2023. For further information please visit: http://www.itu.int #ituwrc #radiocommunication #Itu
Date 11/24/2023 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
10 years of the Green Growth Partnership: where next for the EU's climate and industry ambition?
The 2023 Green Growth Summit will bring together high-level Member State representatives from the Green Growth Group, the EU institutions, and business. The Summit will mark the celebration of the 10-year anniversary of the Green Growth Partnership (GGP). The GGP is convened by the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) and provides a forum to promote positive exchange between progressive European governments and businesses, with regular involvement of like-minded parliamentarians, and other key stakeholders and opinion formers, determined to support the development of a climate neutral and prosperous Europe.  📌 Agenda: 13:15 – 14:00: Scene Setter for the 10-year anniversary of the GGP:  “A look back at 10 years of climate policy – Where does the EU go from there?” 14:00 – 15:30: Session 1: ‘‘Stepping stones towards 2040” 15:50 – 17:20: Session 2: “The Green Deal as compass for the EU’s future competitiveness” 17:20 – 17:45: Closing Session: Fireside chat: “Unpacking the international implications of EU policies and expectations for the COP” This hybrid event will take place both physically in Brussels and online. Don't miss the chance to engage with high-level representatives from the Green Growth Group of ministers, EU institutions, experts, and businesses as they discuss the past decade's achievements and chart a course for a climate-neutral and prosperous Europe. Speakers include: Leonore Gewessler, Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Austria (video message) Teresa Ribera Rodríguez, Third Vice-President of the Government of Spain and Minister for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (video message) Uroš Vajgl, State Secretary for Environment and Climate, Slovenia Ambassador Barbara Cullinane, Deputy Permanent Representative of Ireland to the EU Ambassador Pierre Cartuyvels, Deputy Permanent Representative of Belgium to the EU Berthold Goeke, Representing Head of Climate Department, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Germany Kristi Klaas, Deputy Director General for the Green Transition, Ministry of Climate, Estonia Bas Eickhout, MEP, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance Christophe Grudler, MEP, Renew Europe Group Ville Niinistö, MEP, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance Kurt Vandenberghe, Director General, DG Climate Action, European Commission Simon Henzell-Thomas, Global Director Climate & Nature, Ingka Group (IKEA) Rafael Mateo Alcalá, CEO, ACCIONA Energía Megan Mitrevski Dale, Director, Environmental Sustainability, Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Harry Verhaar, Head of Global Public & Government Affairs, Signify, and Chair, CLG Europe Dr. Kimmo Järvinen, Head of European Governmental Affairs, SSAB María Mendiluce, CEO, We Mean Business Coalition Dr. Laura Diaz Anadon, Chaired Professor of Climate Change Policy, University of Cambridge, & Vice-Chair, European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change Ursula Woodburn, Director, CLG Europe and the Green Growth Partnership The event will be moderated by Maria Tadeo, Europe correspondent, Bloomberg TV, and John Ainger, Climate and Energy Reporter, Bloomberg News.
Date 10/10/2023 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
ITU INTERVIEWS @ ITU AI for Good Global Summit: John Kamara, AI Center of Excellence Africa
Interview with John Kamara, Founder, AI Center of Excellence Africa, at the AI for Good Global Summit 2023, Geneva, Switzerland. #aiforgood
Date 7/6/2023 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Wildlife Nation Exclusive Clip: The Great Plains
Join host Jeff Corwin on an epic adventure across the Great Plains of the United States on a mission to understand the connection between the incredible species that call it home. First, Jeff travels to the Canadian border to help Native American tribes re-establish bison across tribal lands. Jeff learns how ancient bison herds once shaped the Great Plains and how modern conservationists are fighting to bring those herds back. Later, Jeff works with biologists to manage a delicate population of black-footed ferrets, a species once believed to be extinct. Jeff discovers how wild bison play a vital role in ferret survival and the survival of the Great Plains themselves. Video transcript: Jeff Corwin: Welcome to Northeast Montana, home of the Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Peck Indian community. I'm with Jonathan Proctor, from Defenders of Wildlife. It's now about minus nine. Look at our backdrop, we've got American bison. John, they are forever interconnected to this ecosystem. Jonathan Proctor: Yes, this is one of the most important keystone species in the entire Great Plains. This species had an outsized importance, numerous impacts on the environment that benefited a whole host of other wildlife. Jeff Corwin: The bison behind us are descendants of a great and ancient herd, over 30 million animals that moved like a living wave across North America. But this species was nearly wiped out with the western expansion of America and industrial hunting. The deliberate mass slaughter of bison was devastating to the Great Plains, and especially to the native tribes that depended upon them as a food and cultural resource. Tragically, at the start of the 20th century, fewer than 1000 American bison were left alive. Jonathan Proctor: The loss of the bison historically, about a hundred years ago, had ripple effects throughout the entire Great Plains. All of the predators and scavengers that depended on the bison for food disappeared as a result. Bison graze down the grass, which benefit prairie dogs, and so many other species depend on prairie dogs. So when the bison were removed, the whole system unraveled. Jeff Corwin: So, the big challenge we face is to reintegrate them into the ecosystem because this environment, the prairie needs the bison. Jonathan Proctor: To achieve that goal, we need to restore at least 10 large bison herds back to the Great Plains. When we get to that level, we will have truly saved the bison and the environment that it once evolved in and helped create. Jeff Corwin: Leading the charge is the Intertribal Buffalo Council, a group of 76 native tribal communities working to establish new and wild bison herds across the Great Plains. This morning, Robbie Magnan and his team are moving 56 bison from Montana to their new home in Oklahoma. Robbie, for the many tribal communities, bison are so very important, even today. Robbie Magnan: Yes, that's very much so. They're helping us restore our culture, because they've always been part of our culture. And now, we have our opportunity to reconnect with them and restore our culture with them. Jeff Corwin: But here's the thing, we can't get these bison to Oklahoma until we corral them, and that my friends, is going to be a challenge. You ready to do this? Robbie Magnan: Yeah. Jeff Corwin: All right, let's go. Speaker 4: All right, look sharp, stay together. Jeff Corwin: So, what is the plan, Robbie? Robbie Magnan: The buffalo are in a temporary holding pen that we have to round them up. Sometimes it's not so easy. Follow me! Jeff Corwin: Woo, hold on. So you can kind of see what we're trying to do, right here. It's a little bit of chaos, organized chaos. And what we're trying to do is move them into the corral, make sure they're healthy, and then share them with another Native American community. Ooh. Robbie Magnan: You okay? Jeff Corwin: Yeah. Ooh, rock. Rock. Robbie Magnan: Take what you got. Take what you got, guys. Take what you got! Speaker 5: Here they come. Jeff Corwin: Okay, so we didn't get the whole herd, but we've got about half the herd, right here. We're moving them down this quarter and into the corral they go. Robbie, who do I invoice my chiropractor bill to? Now that we've got almost half the herd into the pen, Robbie guides them into a series of smaller quarters. Here, they can be individually identified and have their final health checks before their trip to Oklahoma. Robbie Magnan: Okay, get in there. Jeff Corwin: All right, all right, there we go. We've hit our character limit. Leave a comment for the rest of the transcript.
Date 8/1/2022 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Wildlife Nation Exclusive Clip: Saving Sea Turtles
Join host Jeff Corwin on an adventure to the beaches of southern Florida to uncover the challenges facing sea turtles locally and around the world. Working with dedicated conservationists, including Defenders of Wildlife staff, Jeff helps a team of biologists care for sick and injured turtles that are ready to return to the ocean. To learn more about the wildlife featured in the episode, visit www.defenders.org/wildlifenation Video Transcript: Jeff Corwin: So friends, my mentor, Dr. John Jahoda from Bridgewater State University, once told me, "If you ever have a job Jeff, have a job you love." And this reminds me why  I love my job. It's moments like this through the heartache, through the trials, you get that moment of triumph. And I imagine for you, Elizabeth, this is pretty special. Elizabeth Fleming: This is awesome. Jeff Corwin: This is why we all do what we do. Elizabeth Fleming: This is phenomenal. Jeff Corwin: What do you think, Whitney? You think these turtles are hankering to get back in the ocean? Whitney Crowder: I think they are ready to go home. Jeff Corwin: Are you ready? Elizabeth? Elizabeth Fleming: I'm ready. Speaker 4: Here? Elizabeth Fleming: Uh-oh. She's- Jeff Corwin: You got it good? Speaker 4: You're good. Elizabeth Fleming:  I'm going to cry. I'm just glad, to be this big she's really had to withstand so many things. Speaker 4: She sure has. The odds were not in her favor to get this big at all. Elizabeth Fleming: I'm so glad to see this animal get back to the ocean. Jeff Corwin: Now it's our turn. We get to do this. Whitney Crowder: We do. Jeff Corwin: Whitney does it ever get old? Whitney Crowder: It never gets old.  It's honestly just a feeling of pride to be able  to release these turtles back out to the ocean. Jeff Corwin: The loggerhead doesn't go into the surf alone she travels with incredible state of the art technology. So we will be her electronic guardian angel for many months to come. Whitney Crowder: Hopefully. Jeff Corwin: All right, shall we do this? Whitney Crowder: We shall. Jeff Corwin: All right. Whitney Crowder: All right. You ready? Jeff Corwin: Yep. That was awesome. Thanks Whitney. Whitney Crowder: Thank you. Jeff Corwin: Remember, conservation takes action. Volunteer in your community. Enjoy your local environment and defend wildlife the best way you can.
Date 8/1/2022 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

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