Reaching Out to Catholic Audiences: CCL's 2021 #CatholicClimateConference Would you like to learn about Catholic presentation strategies, and get an initial taste of the Pope’s Action Platform to begin a 7-year journey to total sustainability in the spirit of Laudato
Would you like to learn about Catholic presentation strategies, and get an initial taste of the Pope’s Action Platform to begin a 7-year journey to total sustainability in the spirit of Laudato Si’? Roger Ingersoll will discuss learnings related to over 20 presentations to parish communities, Catholic and secular colleges, a seminary, and other faiths (often to very conservative-leaning audiences). Our second presenter, Juan Rios, will cover effective outreach to Catholic Latinos, a recent focus area of the Catholic Action Team. Our final speaker Sr Ricca Dimalibot of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, will discuss climate advocacy within her religious community including initiation of the Pope Francis' 7 year journey to an integral ecology.
Skip ahead to the following section(s):
(0:00) Introduction & Agenda
(1:10) Catholic Presentation Strategies
(11:15) Outreach to Catholic Latinos
(21:30) Climate Advocacy Within Religious Communities
Speaker Bios:
Juan Rios has been a part of CCL since 2019, since then I’m the Liaison in New York City’s 9th District for Yvette Clarke. He is also a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Team for the Northwest and Appalachian regions. Being able to speak English and Spanish, he hopes to contribute and be a part of diversifying CCL’s membership and increasing the Spanish audience by being a part of the Latinx Catholic Action Team. Outside of CCL, he studied at the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts in Film/television.
Sr Ricca Dimalibot, CCVI, MD, is a General Councilor with the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, based in Houston, Texas. The sisters directly serve those in need in El Salvador, Guatemala, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico and the United States. She is a Family Medicine physician who runs the CHRISTUS Point of Light Clinic,located in a medically under-served community southeast of Houston. The congregation has taken a very public stand on climate and sustainability by holding climate symposia, as well as an Ecumenical Day of Prayer for faith leaders across Houston in 2019.
Roger retired from ExxonMobil after 33 years where he worked on arctic, coastal, and offshore projects worldwide. During his career witnessed significant arctic changes since the 1980’s. Roger's been a member of Citizens Climate Lobby since 2016, is Co-group Leader and Grasstops Lead of TX-08 Woodlands-Huntsville Chapter, and is also active in CCL’s Conservative Caucus, and Catholic Action Teams. Roger has five beautiful grandchildren, so his hope is that Congress enacts meaningful climate legislation as soon as possible to preserve their future.
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