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A Sea of Minions and the Carbon Cycle | Melissa Omand | TEDxURI
Advancements in ocean technology will enable us to observe the ocean interior (the ‘twilight zone’) on vast scales. Melissa Omand, Assistant Professor at the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography, describes her plan to release hundreds of tiny glass robots as deep ocean sentinels, tracking the vertical transport of carbon from the surface to the deep sea. As an Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Oceanography, Melissa studies transport and sequestration of carbon in the ocean. She focuses on a process called the ‘biological pump’ – determining the fate of carbon that derives from biological sources such as phytoplankton. Hailing from Toronto, Canada, Melissa received her Bachelors of Science degree in Physics from the University of Guelph in 2004. She completed her Doctorate in Oceanography at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of San Diego (2011), and her postdoctoral work at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. She joined the faculty at URI in January 2015. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Date 5/26/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Farm Workers Growing Our Food Will Suffer the Most from Climate Change

"It's a deep irony that the people growing our food face some of the biggest risks related to climate change," explains Civil Eats author Twilight Greenaway, describing the threats farm workers face from extreme heat, soil-borne illness, and more.

EarthSayer Twilight Greenaway
Date 7/19/2019 Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details

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