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Getting Serious About Climate Change by David Victor

Charles David Keeling Annual Lecture(2014)

This year, the Keeling Lecture features UCSD School of International Relations and Pacific Studies is Professor David Victor, a political scientist and an internationally recognized leader in research on energy and climate change policy. He is the Director of the school’s new Laboratory on International Law and Regulation, and author of numerous books including his most recent, “Global Warming Gridlock: Creating More Effective Strategies for Protecting the Planet.” Series: "Perspectives on Ocean Science" [7/2014] [Science] [Show ID: 27846](Visit: http://www.uctv.tv)

Published on Jun 30, 2014

EarthSayer David Victor
Date unknown Format Lectures
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
EcoRyders by Victor Davila
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Making environmental education fun and engaging for young folks is Victor Davila's passion, leading him to establish EcoRyders, a series of summer workshops that combine environmental and health education with skateboarding. Workshop participants build their own skateboards and learn about pressing environmental issues in their community. EcoRyders offers a way to tackle both high obesity rates among local youth as well as lack of public transportation in the area. He accepts the Brower Youth Award.

The Brower Youth Awards recognize people ages 13 to 22 living in North America who have shown outstanding leadership on a project or campaign with positive environmental and social impact.     

EarthSayer Victor Davila
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Our Youth Speak Up More Details
Jobs in a Schrinking Economy by Peter Victor
Static PreviewDr. Peter Victor, Professor and past-Dean of Environmental Studies at York University is interviewed at the International DeGrowth Conference in Barcelona. We do not have to rely on economic growth. His numbers suggest that yes it can be quite feasible to live good lives. This conference is talking about not just stabilizing the economy, but schrinking it. Harder, but possible, and more dramatic changes may be required. International Degrowth Conference in Barcelona (25-29th March 2010) A longer, more in-depth speech by Dr. Victor is on EarthSayers.tv.
EarthSayer Peter Victor
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details
Managing without Growth by Dr. Peter Victor
Static PreviewSustainability: Toronto. July 2, 2010. Yes it's possible says Dr. Peter  Victor, Professor and past-Dean of Environmental Studies at York University. Economic growth is the over-arching policy objective of governments worldwide. Yet its long-term viability is increasingly questioned because of environmental impacts and impending and actual shortages of energy and material resources. Furthermore, rising incomes in rich countries bear little relation to gains in happiness and well-being . Growth has not eliminated poverty, brought full employment or protected the environment. Results from a simulation model of the Canadian economy suggest that it is possible to have full employment, eradicate poverty, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and maintain fiscal balance without economic growth. It's time to turn our attention away from pursuing growth and towards specific objectives more directly relating to our well-being and that of the planet.
EarthSayer Peter Victor
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Story of a Henhouse in West Africa
Victor d'Allant, the Executive Director of Social Edge, talks about what  he was doing at the Skoll World Forum. He tells a story about a community henhouse in Burkina Faso, West Africa. 
EarthSayer Victor d'Allant
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

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