Culture and Consciousness

About This Collection

This category covers a wide range of key words and phrases, but basically features EarthSayers who emphasize the importance of consciousness, being awake and aware and in this context, acknowledging the interconnectedness of all beings and acting accordingly with intelligence and compassion. Keywords included in this category range from spirituality and religion to consumerism and conservation. Stories and myths that reflect our beliefs and attitudes will also be found in this special collection.

Curated by mokiethecat

Accidental Mystic by Nick Jankel
Nick is a practical philosopher – and the thinking man’s life coach – who blends together enlightening and enabling scientific insight, sharp political and social thinking and a treasure trove of psychological and spiritual wisdom researched over 20 years of personal exploration and professional commitment.

Aged 13 he was morbidly obese, frustrated and angry. He spent three years in psychotherapy to ‘fix’ it all. This psychological bootcamp initiated a profound fascination with the mind, whilst he was inspired by both his psychologist and parents to engage in social activism and community service.

At the same time he was experimenting with various mystical paths to explore the deeper questions in life. However, schooled on the secular teachings of modern science and he become an avowed atheist. At 19 he was invited to study medicine at Cambridge University with the intention of becoming a psychiatrist. Before starting he spent a year teaching science in rural Africa, where he learned just how vital travel can be to transforming our potential. This was the kernel of the idea for The Ultimate Trip.

EarthSayer Nick Jankel

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