Empathy and Consciousness

About This Collection

In a small discussion group among writers much of our discussion centered around empathy and character development. We all agreed it's the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. As writers and filmmakers it's what we hope to awaken among our readers for our characters.

At roughly the same time, the voice of research professor Brene Brown, Ph.D., LMSW appeared peppered across the Web and she prompted a further search for other voices addressing empathy. The result is this special collection on empathy which scientists are learning more about as they map the mind and our Society needs more of. 



Curated by mokiethecat

Coping with Climate Anxiety

Life on our planet is in imminent danger. Those who have taken the responsibility to understand the growing emergency struggle to maintain emotional and mental resilience in the face of overwhelming catastrophes. Enlivening our connection with nature is essential both for our sanity and for our survival, as is a shift in consciousness from our exploitive view of the world to one of caretaking and restoration.
Eva Jahn, psychotherapist, founded the Climate Emotional Resilience Institute to address this growing societal crisis by providing both coping skills and community. She joins Paul Beckwith and Dale Walkonen in this conversation.

For more information about CERI and Thicket, its 8-week online training program click here.

Editor, Glenn Goodwin
Thumbnail, Eric Dehais

Visit the FacingFuture Library.

EarthSayers Paul Beckwith; Eva Jahn

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