Welcome to the Earth Guardians Join us as we share videos created by inspiring young Indigenous leaders who attended our 2024 Indigenous Youth Initiative (IYI) Training! Through their unique perspectives and experiences in unison with expertise and mentorship from trainers such as Heather Milton-Lightening, Teena Pugliese, & , these trainees are amplifying native voices and leadership and centering traditional practices as one of the powerful ways to address pressing global issues and climate injustices. Faced with the exhaustion caused by inequitable systems & driven by a passion for justice, trainees boost their skills in working across various areas as frontline activists, inspiring leaders, and change-makers. As an IYI Crew, they aim to shape a future rooted in Indigenous values and stewardship, shifting focus towards cultivating an Indigenous future where respect for the Earth and our cultural heritage is restored. Feel inspired or curious to learn more? Subscribe now and get involved by checking out our website, www.earthguardians.org Join the movement, take action, inspire others, and shape a brighter tomorrow for yourself! Together, we're fostering an environment where everyone can learn, grow, and contribute towards a sustainable and just future. ðŸâ⢠EarthSayers Heather Milton-Lightening; Alethea Phillips; Teena Pugliese
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