The Sustainability Mindset

About This Collection

Isabel Rimanoczy, Ed.D, developed the concept of the Sustainability Mindset by studying what inspired leaders to act in a business-as-unusual way. Her work is grounded in the interviews she conducted as part of her research for the book, Big Bang Being:Developing the Sustainability Mindset.

And what is an important message in the book, the one that brings sustainability home?

 "While our planet is rapidly changing, we also have the opportunity to change ourselves and begin making a different imprint."

In this special collection Isabel brings together the voices of sustainability that are in the stream of the Sustainability Mindset. 

Curated by mokiethecat

Interconnectness, Innovation and Civic Renewal by Nick Jankel

Nick Jankel, founder of WECREATE WORLDWIDE, helped launch the Xbox brand worldwide and instigated the most successful TV show of all time. Interweaving innovation, leadership, entrepreneurship and collaboration, Nick guides organisations and individuals to 'switch on' to opportunities for creativity, growth and thriving, providing cutting-edge tools and techniques for how to do this. Published on May 20, 2014  

His book,  Switch On: How to Ignite Your Creative Spirit with the New Science of Breakthrough is available from Amazon (click on image) or check with your local bookstore.Thank you.


EarthSayer Nick Jankel

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