Standing Rock Indian Reservation

About This Collection

Standing Rock Indian Reservation is in Sioux County, North Dakota, U.S.A. Cannonball, N.D is the place of the Spirit Circle where over 100 tribes and 1,000+ supporters have gathered along the Cannonball River to demonstrate against the $3.8 Dakota Access pipeline as the #NoDAPL movement. It is in the Northeastern part of Sioux County where the Cannonball River meets Lake Oahe of the Missouri River.  

The pipeline is being challenged by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, represented by the national nonprofit Earthjustice, in a lawsuit against the U.S. government over the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. The lawsuite (FAQ on litigation here) maintains the pipeline would threaten both their water supply and ancestral burial grounds. The pipeline, a project of Energy Transfer Partners , is slated to extend from North Dakota to Illinois, carrying crude oil from the Bakken Shale Play. The Bakken Shale Play is located in Eastern Montana and Western North Dakota, as well as parts of Saskatchewan and Manitoba in the Williston Basin. 



Curated by earthsayer

Part I: A Special Report From #StandingRock

Published on Sep 27, 2016, Laura Flanders Show Channel

Part 1 of our field reports from the Seven Council Fires Community, at #StandingRock in Cannonball, North Dakota. Representatives from over 200 nations have travelled to #StandingRock to defend their right to clean water, and more, to preserve their sovereignty against a state that has illegally decided to take this land. They are protectors, not protesters. Their historic effort is bringing attention to a long struggle against environmental racism, indiscriminate raids, and genocidal erasure. 

We follow the story and the story of how these communities, Standing Rock Camp and Red Warrior Camp, have come to be entirely sustainable.

Featured in this documentary are a group of indigenous leaders working with the community: Kandi Mossett of the Indigenous Environmental Network (Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara – North Dakota); Phyllis Young - former councilwoman for O?héthi Šakówin (Lakotah, Woman Who Stands By The Water), Cody Hall, media spokesperson for Red Warrior Camp (Sioux), Michelle Cook - Legal Counsel for O?héthi Šakówi? camp (Diné - The One Who Walks Around You Clan), and Terrell Iron Shell of the International Indigenous Youth Council (Oglala Lakotah, Eastern Band Cherokee). 

“We’ve been here. We know how to take care of the land. Just listen to us.”

EarthSayers Terrell Iron Shell; Kandi Mossett; Phyllis Young

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