Health and Wellness

About This Collection

The sustainability category of health and wellness is both wide and deep. In this special collection our intention is to highlight voices of sustainability that are often lost in the sea of advertising by pharmaceutical and insurance companies for products and services. The information found on this site is not intended as recommendations for cures or a change in medical protocols, but, rather, an emphasis on innovative and fresh perspectives and ideas affecting the health and wellness of our citizens. Critical thinking, vision, and values are emphasized here on EarthSayers.

Curated by mokiethecat

Robots in the operating room
April 05, 2023

Would you let a robot operate on you?
Before you answer, why not check out this ITU video about an innovative new robot that helps surgeons work remotely and operate anywhere in the world. The surgical robot and software was developed by a Catalonian startup Rob Surgical and showcased for the first time at Mobile World Congress 2023, in Barcelona, Spain.

Rob Surgical was created in 2012 as a spin-off of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), is dedicated to the design and development of new robotic systems with the aim of universalizing precision surgery, adapting to the needs of the patient and the surgeon. http://www.robsurgical.com

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