Portland Sustainability Leaders

About This Collection

Business and civic leaders, experts, teachers, students, and citizens from all walks of life contributing to the leadership of Portland, Oregon as the most sustainability conscious city in the United States.

Curated by mokiethecat

The Walkable City by Jeff Speck
How do we solve the problem of the suburbs? Urbanist Jeff Speck shows how we can free ourselves from dependence on the car -- which he calls "a gas-belching, time-wasting, life-threatening prosthetic device" -- by making our cities more walkable and more pleasant for more people.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference. Published on Oct 14, 2013

Mr. Speck talks about Portland, Oregon and it's early (1970's) commitment to bicycles and walkability. He has spoken in Portland, Oregon and remains a strong supporter of Portland's "new way."

Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at here.

EarthSayer Jeff Speck

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