Plastic in Our Oceans

About This Collection

This collection was inspired by EarthSayer interviews of Roz Savage, ocean rower and environmental campaigner and Howard Lack, CEO of the Foundation, Plastic Oceans. 

Plastic Oceans provides a powerful and effective platform campaigning for, supporting and funding targeted solutions aimed at significantly reducing plastic pollution in the environment. Their aim is to significantly reduce plastic pollution in the environment. This collection calls out organizations and individuals around the globe who share a concern for the plight of our oceans.

Visit our Oceans and 1 Water collections here on EarthSayers.tv to discover the many individuals from all walks of life speaking on behalf of Mother Earth and Water.

Curated by earthsayer

The economic injustice of plastic by Van Jones
August 29, 2015

Van Jones lays out a case against plastic pollution from the perspective of social justice. Because plastic trash, he shows us, hits poor people and poor countries "first and worst," with consequences we all share no matter where we live and what we earn. In this powerful talk, he offers a few powerful ideas to help us reclaim our throwaway planet. Filmed at TEDxGreatPacificGarbagePatch [TEDxGP2], produced by the Plastic Pollution Coalition in 2010, at the Annenburg Community Beach House in Santa Monica, California.

Learn learn more at www.plasticpollutioncoalition.org

EarthSayer Van Jones

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