Transforming Our Economy

About This Collection

Inspired by the Capital Institute's Third Millennium Economy initiative, this collection highlights those voices - ecological economists, sociologist, finance professionals, environmentalists, community developers - advocating a restructuring of our economy to transition to a truly sustainable economic system.

Curated by mokiethecat

Why We Desperately Need The Green Economy

Man-induced climate change threatens human health and ecosystems on a global scale. Various environmental and social problems like water scarcity, climate change, depletion of critical natural resources, injustice, and social inequity have been growing at a high rate over the last decade.

Despite several global meetings and ground-breaking sustainable development work by organizations like the United Nations and the World Bank, poverty is still a huge issue - over 1 billion people are still extremely poor. The economic boom has not been inclusive enough for them. On top of that, economic growth has come at the expense of our environment.

What is the way forward? Here is what we need to spur the sustainable growth the world needs.