Equal Rights for Women and Girls

About This Collection

Equal Rights for Women is a major category, like energy or climate change, of sustainability and the voices in this collection are of the present and the past.

If we don't address human rights and social justice of which the sustainability keywords and phrases include children's rights and welfare; human trafficking, slavery, and women's rights and roles, then as David Korten points out, we will not be able to come to terms with the limits of the planet and not even technology will be able to save us. 


Curated by mokiethecat

Crowd sourcing the feminine intelligence of the planet: Jensine Larsen

Jensine is an award-winning social media entrepreneur and international journalist is the founder of World Pulse, an action media network powered by 50,000 women from 190 countries. Jensine has pioneered World Pulse magazine, grassroots women's citizen journalism training, and an interactive website that enables women on the ground to speak for themselves and connect to solve global problems -- including those using internet cafes and cell phones from rural villages and conflict zones. With her finger on the pulse of women's voices globally, Jensine speaks around the world, appearing in media and on stages from NPR to TED. In his best selling book, "Half the Sky" New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof recommends joining World Pulse as one of the top 4 things you can do in 10 minutes to support women globally.

Published on Apr 17, 2013

EarthSayer Jensine Larsen

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