
About This Collection

Conserving what's left, renewal, growing new ones, and hearing from the many peoples facing loss of their communities due to the mismanagement and exploitation of forests this special collection gets its start with the launch of the Global Forest Watch (GFW)

GFW is a project where the World Resource Institute brought together fourteen major sponsors, including Rebecca Moore of Google Earth who pioneered the use of mapping to protect our lands and people, enables our citizens to participate in and benefit from an "open data approach in putting decision-relevant information in the hands of governments, companies, NGOs, and the public." 

Related special collection on Earthsayers.tv is Biodiversity, Rights of Mother Earth, and the sustainability champion, Julia Butterfly.

Curated by earthsayer

Screams of the Amazon by Fundacion Pachamama

"The world has not done an analysis to decide whether oil is more valuable than what is lost by destroying the Amazon. We have so much. In order to debate on an economic level, we would have to conduct a thorough study to find out how much the Amazon couldPachamama Ecuador give to the world. What they want here is easy money to pay the external debt to China and they will destroy the Amazon under this pretext." -Patricia Gualinga, Kichwa Community of Sarayaku, Ecuador.
Oil Round in southeastern Ecuador offers national and transnational companies 
about 3 million hectors of tropical forest which is home to seven indigenous nacionalides. The signing of contracts with oil companies is privista for October this year. Published on Mar 9, 2013

Produced by Pacha Producciones, Quito, Ecuador, 2013

EarthSayer Patricia Giualinga

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