
About This Collection

Conserving what's left, renewal, growing new ones, and hearing from the many peoples facing loss of their communities due to the mismanagement and exploitation of forests this special collection gets its start with the launch of the Global Forest Watch (GFW)

GFW is a project where the World Resource Institute brought together fourteen major sponsors, including Rebecca Moore of Google Earth who pioneered the use of mapping to protect our lands and people, enables our citizens to participate in and benefit from an "open data approach in putting decision-relevant information in the hands of governments, companies, NGOs, and the public." 

Related special collection on Earthsayers.tv is Biodiversity, Rights of Mother Earth, and the sustainability champion, Julia Butterfly.

Curated by earthsayer

The Reunion by Handcrafted Films
Published on Nov 27, 2014

Stunning story about indigenous Harakbut people exploring their ancient past in the Peruvian Amazon with the discovery of an enormous carved stone face 'rostra' in the cliffs of the jungle. The 'rostra' had never been documented before. Perhaps the discovery of these ancient monuments could help prevent the exploration of gold mining and petroleum companies encroaching upon their territories. You can find other short films on a similar issue at If Not Us Then Who:

The films are a culmination of more than two years of participatory filming by Handcrafted Films. From Indonesia to Peru, we have been working with local partners to articulate individual stories through film.

Using the powerful visuals they are now organising a global roadshow in the lead up to COP21 in Paris. Our aim is to draw attention to the wider issue of deforestation, community-based solutions and ultimately to put pressure on governments and their commitment to slow climate change.